Boyfriend doesnt want to see me ?

So we have been dating on and off for 3 years now, we just got back together in may. It was really great for the first couple months, we would speak every single day and i could tell that he really loved me... but now its just sooo different, we find it hard to even see eachother. The last time i saw him was a month ago and its not like we live in different cities, he's just 40 minutes away from me and its not like i dont make an effort, even if i have work later in the evening i ask him if he wants to do something during the day and all i get is a "maybe" which basically means no. Whenever he does that i get so pissed off at him, then he texts me like "hey babe, i miss you" and im happy again. He'd say how he loves me so much but the next day its back to the same old thing. I said to him that i think we need to make time to see eachother, his response was " its not that deep, we'll see eachother... one day. And its not like it was when we were kids and had nothing to do" he also said that i always seem to be asking to see him at the wrong time because thats when hes already made plans with his friends or he just wants to stay home cuz hes tired from work. I really dont know what to do or think now.