Need some advice please...

Kayla • Mother to an Angel Baby.
Okay so I've always had regular periods, 28 days averaging 5 days in length and always started around the same time of day for as long as I can remember up until April of this year... I was 15 days late in April, 18 days late in May, and have been really late each month since. Currently 10 days late. I'm not pregnant AND I'm not even ovulating. I don't know what's going on. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice for me? Oh and I miscarried a year ago (blighted ovum miscarriage) and have been trying to conceive since. 
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Have you gone to have your hormones checked? Your ovaries and tubes checked? Or even your eggs checked for quality and quantity. You look too young to worry, but it's always best to play it safe in my opinion.


Natasha✌ • Aug 15, 2016
other hormones definitely need checked or everything needs physically checked from the sounds of it. if she doesn't listen I'd get a new doctor


Kayla • Aug 15, 2016
Okay, there weren't any cysts so I feel like that rules out PCOS also.


Kayla • Aug 15, 2016
I have an appointment with my doctor on the 1st. I'm hoping she takes me seriously this time because I just know deep down something isn't right. She has checked my thyroid and stuff before and said everything came back normal. And when I miscarried and they checked to make sure everything was....