I'm here for you 💜

Michaela • I'm 20. I'm in love with my boyfriend,my car,and my fur babies 😍 taking a day at a time 💜
About a week ago,I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared but so excited at the same time. 
I told my parents. They were so happy about it. I told a couple of my friends they were excited as well! Everything looked like it was gonna be perfect. Me and my BF we're excited and couldn't wait till it grew so we could hear the heartbeat and know the gender and eventually meet the little thing. 
I started having some really bad cramps and bleeding so as the worry wart I am I went to the ER. They checked me. Took blood work and everything seemed to be find expect I had a uti. So I went home happy and relieved that everything was okay. Three days later I started having back lower back pain which I thought was a kidney infection from my untreated uti. Turns out all the pain I was in/still am was me having a miscarriage. I've never felt so much pain in my life. This hurt worse then anything before. I've never been so confused and mad in my life. 
I didn't waste my time typing this to get attention for me "sad story"   I typed this to let people know I'm here for them if you've went through this. I'm here for you. And I'm here to talk in anyways if needed. 
Have a beautiful day everyone 💜