Boyfriend Help...

So, I'm a bit upset at the moment. I live about 30 minutes from my SO, and I just happened to be near his workplace yesterday. I stopped by for just a minute, said hi, trying to be nice. And then after he got off work, he texted me, didn't thank me for coming over, and acted embarassed. Annnnd then proceeded to talk about his co-worker, Ashton. That's all he talks about! Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. She's nice and all, but I'm just tired of hearing about how awesome she is. They hang out outside of work, which doesn't bother me, but it's constant. "Hey what are you doing?"
"Hanging out with Ashton."
This could be after work, to 2 AM. He's allowed to work and hang out with girls; I'm not controlling and have never complained about it, even when he brags about how flirtaious these girls get. But, I bring up the fact that I may have to carpool with these annoying, childish, ugly ass teenage boys for work, and he gets FURIOUS. Why? I dunno. Wednesday's are our days together, and even if we only hang out for a few hours, he'll be like, "Yeah, Ashton and Dominik, I'll hang out after I drop my girlfriend off." And then he'll take me home early to spend more time with them, EVEN WHEN HE HANGS OUT WITH THEM ALL THE DAMN TIME. Hell, half of his co-workers didn't even know I existed until I visited his work yesterday. I guess after 8 months of dating, and a year of working where he works, my name never came out of his mouth. Why do I feel so forgotten, left out, if you will. It's like he fought for me, has me, and now doesn't care to fight to keep me. What the hell is wrong with me.