Am I overthinking or was it my gut telling me something is not right ?

So a week ago I met a guy online who actually lives in the same city and neighborhood as me and knows some of my friends . We started chatting and really hit it off and had a lot in common and shared a lot  of the same feelings and emotions on a lot of different things . We started spending time together and talking on the phone for hours and texting all day he kept saying how it felt so nice to feel excited about someone and happy in this way again and all these things . He kept saying how much he hopes things kept going the way they had been going . Well then all of a sudden out of the blue he stopped talking to me frequently and when we did talk he was short with me didn't ask any questions or engage in conversation at all. So I stupidly asked him if something was up because it was bothering me . He said he can't always talk all day at work and that nothing has changed and that he has his son for two days so he's focused on that . I totally understand having his son and being focused on spending quality time with him but this started before his son came for the weekend and I obviously am an adult and don't expect to be texted and talked to all day but it was just a complete change in behavior towards me . He said im way over thinking but we literally have not talked in three days . Do you think I'm overthinking or I had a right to feel how I feel ? Or maybe a combination of both ?