Are these pregnancy symptoms?

Hey guys. So I think I'm going crazy. My period isn't supposed to start for another couple weeks, but I've had some pretty bad lower back pain the last few days. Didn't think much of it because I have a spine issue. Then cramps started accompanying the back pain, and 99% of the time I don't even get cramps with my period, so it's unusual. I've had a runny/stuffed nose the last couple days but it comes intermittently, it's not constant. I had diarrhea for a few days (sorry for TMI) too. Headaches, and heartburn kicked in yesterday. Burping more than usual. Oh and the other night I had a sharp pain in the lower left side of my stomach, it hurt pretty bad. I had one day where I had to pee REALLY bad but when I sat down nothing came out! (Not a UTI, it didn't burn and nothing even trickled, I just couldn't go but the urge was there.) That pee thing happened a few times, it was frustrating. I've been off birth control about 6 months now but we use condoms. We do sometimes start out without one but always stop to grab one so I understand the risk, that's why I'm asking. Any thoughts? Is it too early to test? Until today I didn't think anything of the stuffy nose or diarrhea but of course Google has me thinking crazy stuff haha. TIA for any input!