post partum c section

My birth plan was to have a VBAC but I never dilated so they couldn't do it. I was devastated and still am. I am 5 days pp and it still upsets me that I couldn't even try to deliver baby boy myself. I am so happy he came out healthy and everything went ok but it still kills me. The biggest thing that makes it all upsetting is the fact that I cannot lift my toddler. She's so used to being with me all the time and it hurts me that if she bumps herself or needs held I can't do it😢 I am so thankful for my children and I am not depressed. It just upsets me that I had to go through another surgery and unless you've dealt with the recovery of a c-section you can't begin to try to understand how painful it can be and how long of a process it is to recovery. It's going to be a long 6 to 8 weeks!