Serious opinions please. Should i accept the induction?


I am currently 38w 5d today. I had my 38 week appt. Doctor said once I hit 39 weeks I'll be full term and can be induced IF I want to be. I have no problems, no high blood pressure, his heart rate has stayed the same for MONTHS, and my belly is meausing a little under size (37w) so no signs of a big baby. He didn't push me at all and said it was up to me because there was no medical reason to do it now. I'm not overdue. SO opinions please. I've been in a ton of pain, can't breathe when I lay down anymore, I'm gaining a lot of weight, and can not go to the bathroom anymore to save my life. Should I tough it out? I'm worried my baby isn't ready or he would come on his own. Right?


To the one who are saying to wait on when the baby is ready, WHAT IF his due date comes and goes and there is still no baby? THEN do I consider induction? Considering I've gained nearly 50 pounds and was a very small girl before pregnancy. I do not want to keep gaining.