Questioning a sleepover w bæ

This is awful to share. My boyfriend recently discovered that one of his room mates friends brought bed bugs into his house 😷 it's disgusting. He called the exterminator - they came and confirmed that it was bed bugs and are coming by tomorrow to start treatments. Since they came however we haven't seen a single one (we think they might have done something) I came over (brought clothes in a seperate sealed plastic bag and am vacuuming my purse before I leave and also putting all my clothes in the dryer the second I get home) but he's asking me to sleep over. My only concern is spreading them to my house. I have never been bitten only he has so I'm not worried about that. I'm taking every precaution but I still want to spend time with him (he went away for a few days) Do you guys think it would be alright if I spent one more night w him and the bed bugs? (We still haven't seen any and trust me we have been searching + they're nocturnal and it's night time - still nothing.) 
I know this is weird and kindof gross but opinions/advice is appreciated. 
PS I can't have him at my place - I live with my parents and he's not allowed to even be there with me without one of my parents there