1cm dilated, 50% effaced

Today I am 27 weeks 2 days. I am still considered 2nd trimester to doctors office. I had some pink spotting on Sunday early hours of the morning but only with wiping. I called my midwife and she said to take it easy and call if it becomes more. This morning I had some with wiping then again with some on a pad. I called and the scheduled me an appt this afternoon. She did a pelvic exam and found me to be 1cm dilated. They did an ultrasound and I am 50% effaced and my cervix is short. It's half the length it should be at this point. So I'm at the hospital now for monitoring. No contractions. No further dilation. Baby is great. They did however give me a steroid just in case to help develop baby's lungs (that shot in the butt sure does sting!) I'll most likely leave tomorrow because everything is going well with no signs of preterm labor. I am however at increased risk for preterm labor now but they said some women still carry to term. I don't have my nursery set up and I have a lot of planning to do just in case! They said most likely I won't be on bedrest but limited activity and no working (I'm a nurse and am on my feet all day). They're also going to discharge me with vaginally suppositories to help delay labor. Please pray for me and baby. Mommy wants to keep you in longer! One thing I thought was interesting was they said for every day baby stays inside is 3 days less baby would spend in the NICU.