A mothers broken heart

I don't even know where to post this but I'm so broken that I need to spill. My son,17, told me tonight that I am just like my mother. This woman has been a constant in my life and was always there for me, BUT she was controlling and manipulative. She forces me to terminate a 24 week pregnancy because she hated my daughters father. She constantly came in between us. Every time I tried to move out she got sick and I had to take care of her. I forbid him from talking to a little girl who told ME, his mother to stop trying to be his friend!!!! He told me that my BF talks garbage about me to him and checks out other women behind my back. He told me that my BF is always talking garbage about me and he defends me. I don't even know what to think or do right now. I gave up my childhood to raise this boy who just spit some of the most hateful, hurtful things at me and this is how he repays me. I don't want to look at him, I don't want him near me. I gave up so much to give him everything I could and this is how he thinks of me. I don't know what to do with myself right now. The tears just will not stop coming. I can't even talk to my BF because if what my son says is true, our whole relationship is a lie! He shattered everything I believed to be true tonight.