Should I get an induction?!

Marie • Mama to Finn born August 2016 & pregnant with baby number two, due October 2020. ♥️
Due next week, August 22nd. Currently 4 1/2-5cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby is head down at station 0. I've had dilation, cramps, and contractions for 7 weeks now.  But this is my first baby, and he is measuring in the 98th percentile for weight- roughly 8 1/2-10 pounds estimated by next week, no GD or excessive weight gain- just big baby genes on both sides unluckily! 
My midwife suggested induction on the 23rd, the day after my due date. Medically everything is perfectly fine with me and baby, just some severe discomfort, pubis synthesis disorder, and a big bubba. My birth plan has been to be completely natural-no pain meds- water/meditation/yoga ball/massage pain management techniques etc., but I'm pretty sure if I get induced things will be a lot more intense and out of my control completely.
So my options are:
1. Go ahead with induction on the 23rd with increased chances of cesarean and more medical intervention that comes with induction but baby will be out before he gets bigger. She's planning on starting it by breaking my water.
2. Wait to go naturally, up to two weeks after, but increase my chances of cesarean because he's too big or end up needing an induction at 42 weeks because things didn't start naturally and now he's even bigger!
Also, this is me today- and I want to trust my body but not sure if I can manage a 10 pounder!