So this happened today 😂


I was talking to my step mom (who is pretentious and high and mighty as hell) and I was telling her about my morning. It was terrifyingly scary and shitty! I got woken up by a fly FLYING INTO MY EAR and staying in there for about 10 seconds and the whole time I was freaking out and screaming.

My step mom goes on and says "If that is a bad morning for you, then you shouldn't be a mom."

That obliviously pissed me off because i am 11 weeks pregnant after 1 year ttc and i told her

"REALLY?! I expect a baby to wake me up by screaming and crying for milk and a clean diaper, NO ONE EXPECTS A FUCKING FLY TO GET STUCK IN THEIR EAR AND CAUSE PAIN!"

Oh boy, that shut her the hell up quick. Never felt better.