6 week old with a cold 😢 Advice?

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈
Hoping you mamas can help me out. My sweet girl is super congested with a runny nose, cough and sneezing. I can't give her anything because she's too young but the poor thing is miserable and it's breaking my heart. I've been using saline and suctioning her nose with the bulb and am currently sitting in the bathroom with the shower on for steam. I was also told to put baby vicks on her feet, but the tub says 3 months. Is it safe to do if it's just her feet? It's 1:30am so I can't go to a store right now, no humidifier or nose frida. I'm keeping her upright all night, the poor thing can't breathe on her back even long enough for a diaper change. I was nursing her every hour or two for hydration during the day but she hasn't eaten in 5ish hours now, she just started sleeping longer at night. Do I wake her? What else can I do? Help!!