Baby mama drama

E. Amanda
Okay so I have a problem with women who have kids by men whom they are not married to and when things do not work out they are a slave to this person. Now just for clarification because Ik someone is going to somehow get the idea that I'm saying I have a problem with women who have kids by someone they're not married to because that's not what I'm saying so read the post in it's entirety before commenting. My sister had a son (who is now 11) by such a piece of human garbage he would talk about her weight cheat on her etc. Now he's a dead beat never takes time out for his son and till this day she'll still let him sleep over got him a cell phone plan etc. WTF is she crazy!??? I wouldn't have anything to do with this idiot after 11 years it's time to hang that sh*t up. My ex baby mama told him that she didn't care if we had a relationship as long as they have one this includes sexual relationship as well. She does whatever he wants and he carries on and does whatever and she just lags right behind him. It seems that these women have no respect for themselves at least not enough to walk away. Am I the only one perplexed by this? I am having children by someone by someone I'm no longer with and he cheated on me treated me bad etc. There is no way in HELL I'd carry on a relationship with him after this yeah I love him dearly don't get me wrong but I can't allow myself to be manipulated like that. What are your thoughts? Does anyone else know of ppl that act this way?