
Hey guys me and my husband have been TTC for the last 2 years- I have PCOS which I was diagnosed with when I was 17, my husband is diabetic which he believes now he can't have kids. I have googled this and he is still able to conceive! 
I want us to both get tested but he point blank refuses as he's terrified of the hospital- Doctors and clinics so he gets his stubborn head on! 
I know I can get pregnant as I had a miscarriage when I was 19! 
He won't adopt and he is against the idea of a sperm doner! 
I told him from day one that kids was one thing I wanted and it's not not an option for me! 
So since I've been using this app I'm having sex at the right times and more! 
And it breaks my heart everytime the tests revealed not pregnant!! 
Any advice ?