drunken teenage nights?

So let's all drop our funny drinking stories! 
I was like 16, and had took much beer or wine. One of them. I woke in the street. Seriously. I was laying in a puddle of water. In front of my house! My dad got home and told me I was late for school and went to school. 😂 I was so late for school! And I remember making it through my hangover was SO hard!
Not my story, but.....
So my boyfriend at the time, I guess had too many drinks! He ended up getting arrested. He peed on a statue. The officer made it sound like it was a really important statue, and it turned out it wasn't. Like the thing literally meant like nothing. He was just trying to make t sound worse. Anyway, his record is clean now, because it happened when he was also 16. 
It's safe to say 16 was a hell year for all of my friend and I! What are some things that happened to you drunk?