guy troubles...

Luna ♡ • Ethereal ☆
a month or so ago i started talking to this guy, (to give you a little back story we met on meetme)and we started talking and everything was going fine nothing really striked me as weird or creepy. hes actually quite sweet and cute. well as we started to get to know eachother a little bit better we started sharing social media pages with eachother (facebook) and on his facebook i found his profile video to be a video of his ex and himself, well heres the tricky part it says that theyre still engaged, and we went through this whole thing about it and he told me that they had broken up and it was really hard for them to start to tell people that it had happened and they werent ready to tell everyone the story because it was a fresh wound and i said that i understood (especially because they had been together like three years or something along those lines) but after we got it all cleared up everything was fine and dandy until a day or two ago i found another facebook page... naturally im a little scared and i confront him about it and he has tagged her in stuff, and he made a post about his "finace" and i realize the date is a while after we began talking. i dont know how to confront him about it, i know i cant be angry because he told me that there would be stuff on there but it really truly doesnt seem like they have broken up. i honestly just need some advice on how to get through it and also if things dont change, like if in another few weeks or a month or something what i should ask of him. im just really nervous hes not serious and i am just messing with someones fiance. im sorry if this post is confusing and if there is any questions anyone needs to ask to make any of the story clearer to help give some advice that would be ideal.