Here we go!!

So my husband and I had sex last night at like 9pm, by 11 I was having contractions but they were mostly in my lower back. We went to sleep (he did while I tossed and turned in discomfort ) and around 1:30 he woke me up RIGHT after starting to fall asleep to have sex again. I was still in a little pain so I wasn't going to turn down a chance to make the contractions stronger, he was asleep again by 2 and my contractions had picked up to a steady 5 minutes apart for 1 minute each by 2:30. I timed them until 3:30, at which point the pain was bad and I had bright red blood come out when I went to the bathroom so I called the doctor who said come in. I had steady contractions from that point on, for two and a half hours at the hospital they were horrible and about three minutes apart. The doctor came back in to check me and I was still just over 1cm! They sent me home and now I am miserable trying to get the contractions stronger so they do more work! Any other mamas out there have something similar happen? At the moment I'm feeling so hopeless and distraught in pain on 45 minutes of crappy sleep. Any support is totally welcomed