Child Support Arrears

Is $11,516.00 a lot to be behind in child support payments? My daughter is 3, case has only been open for 3 years. When I call the enforcement office they never answer the phone or do anything to help collect. They've suspended his license in the state I live in (he lives the next state over) but I don't know what else can be done to make him pay up. He works full time, lives at home, has a nice truck, doesn't see his daughter or help support her. I'm at a dead end. 
Edit: he's a subcontractor so he is paid by personal check. He ends up owning a lot in taxes so no tax return to take. I've spoken to an attorney and all I can do it file for contempt; which I've done once before, cost me $230 to file(I can't afford legal fees as a "single parent") They found him in contempt but just ordered him to pay. Clearly he didn't comply and the court did nothing.