My little man 💙 at 23 weeks

Andrea • Tommy arrived 12-5-16 ❤️
I am high risk due to a pre existing health problem I have, luckily with the right care there is no real danger to the baby. One of the perks of being high risk is I get an ultrasound every four weeks. I thought I'd share my 23 week ultrasound so those of you that don't get one can see what baby looks like at this point in development. My little guy is measuring right on track, this was done at 22w 6 days and h was measuring 23 weeks exactly. 1 pound 4 ounces. I also have an anterior placenta but I have just recently began feeling movement. 
I also just recently started showing. It happened over night, between my belly finally popping and the 20 lbs I've lost due to my GD diet and increased exercise. I am really beginning to enjoy my pregnancy! 
Please feel free to share your photos and experiences. I love supportive threads!