Kid setting playground on Fire 🔥

Jllismuch • 26, been married for the past 7 years almost 8 to my amazing husband, baby time hopefully soon
This is completely horrible!! Who just allows their kid to take matches or lighters out of the house? This was a perfectly good playground and now it's destroyed because of a 14 yr old who thought it would be cool to light a newspaper and set it on fire. At least their charging him with Arson, maybe he can get the help he needs, I feel like maybe it could have been a cry for attention or maybe he just did something stupid. This happened right by my friends house on Schofield Barracks and 15 mins away from where I live on the island, this is just sad. Him and his family will most likely be kicked off the base as far as living there goes. Always talk to your kids and make sure they know what's right and wrong.Â