Herbal pills natures way vitex

Okay so after trying to see if my cycle would get in order after I stopped taking birth control I had no success...I'll give you a little background about me, I was on BC for almost 8 1/2, I stopped taking them shortly last year around this time, I guess you could say July made a year but anyhow my SO and I had been trying for a child but month after month nothing now this was maybe the 6-7 month mark being off them, I'm not sure if the BC still was maybe in my system, but nothing seemed to work, so I talked to my Dr and he referred me to getting on clomid, now I should've waited cause I still was only 6-7 months in, instead of waiting 1 year before taking clomid I took a total of 3 cycles of the medicine still didn't work, I ovulated one month but wasn't high enuf to concieve but did cause my periods to be very long and irregular, so now I've come to take natures way vitex from my local gnc store I just wanted to know has anyone had any success with this? And how'd you feel the first month taking it, I've always suffered with bad cramps and headaches but just wanted to know does this medicine actually work to get the woman's health tract back in order?