Nervous. ...

Cheryl • 34 TTC baby #1, married 3 years together 15. Still completely head over heels in love!!❤

I have been takin PTs since sunday night. 3 first response 2 clearblue digital. FRs showed positive (2 pink lines) the digitals both showed Pregnant. Im just so scared that its gonna go away. I had an early miscarriage in May. So i have beem testing everyday to to be sure its still positive. I know crazy right?!

I have my hcg blood test tomorrow and friday all scheduled. Im tryin to stay calm and positive but that doubt is there. My husband keeps telling me to relax and not get our hopes up. The miscarriage was hard on him too. So i understand his feelings.

Im just nervous and need to relax but scared all at the same time.