That bitch is psycho

So awhile back my SO dropped our son by accident , we were having a bbq with people he went to change his bum and walked away for a few seconds . Big mistake . He ended up falling of the couch . Anyways our son ended up getting a fractured skull. Obviously a newborn with a broken head is no good .accident or not so children's aid was called .  Fast forward two months . His heads healed he's fine , c.a.s was just about to close our file . We took him to a bbq about three weeks ago and a huge stink throughout my family was made . So to make them realize how stupid telling me not to bring my son to a bbq was I made a point by not bringing him to a family bbq the following week and made sure to say exactly what the person in my family said "it's itresponsible and inappropriate to bring our child so and so has made that clear" 
So I guess she got shit from the family , anyways , Friday I get a call my worker needs to come by , okay great figured she was closing the file . Boy was I wrong . This so called family member called the cas said we lied about the circumstances behind our sons fall it was actually ME and I was BLACKOUT drunk and on drugs ... Not only is me and my SO drug addicts but my mom and her husband are too apperently . Oh and alcoholics . WTF ?!!!!! She called and flat out made shit up that now I'm being investigated for right down to I failed a drug test at a place I've never been before while pregnant ... Are you stupid ?!!! I don't do drugs and I'm sure they'll have record of the fact I've never stepped foot in this place  .. She brought everything into it from my dog who doesn't like her all the way down to I'm on antidepressants and shouldn't have my child . Oh and to top it all off she'll take custody . 
I'm ready to kill this bitch lol because she's fighting with my mom and I ,she's gonna call and make up pure lies to take my child when I literally haven't even spoken to her ? She's fighting more with my mom and goes and does this ?! Wtf it's my child and just because of an accident ,he shouldn't be taken and especially not given to a psychopathic bitch that's making shit up .
Needless to say I'm quite sure my worker realized it was all bull and I explained the family "fued" going on so hopefully she takes that into account . I have nothing to hide so I'm not even concerned about that just the fact someone could call themselves family and then flat out blaintly lie to try to take my child is fucked up . 
Bitch fllllllly out of my life . 
Update : when she reported she reported anonymously , so I'm not too sure how to go about getting her I trouble for it ... I know it was her because she was here the night of the accident and just the actual real details she did give points to her "I was in the garage and she came running in to ask if she should give him baby Tylenol" then the rest of the lies to follow ,well she was the only one in the garage. And she told my gramma she called cas to "express her concerns" lmfao may I add while she was in the garage she was smoking pot . Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black . Jesus what a crazy lady .