Birth Center Bag?

alizabeth • Lover of all things good. 🌿
I brought a salt lamp for some good relaxing lighting, pictures of my family to tape to the wall by the tub, a robe, my iPod and speakers (LOL I hated the nature playlist I had towards the end because of some squawking birds on it,) phone charger, hair ties and brush, some maternity capris and shirt, nursing bra, couple baby clothes (because we didn't find out the gender and didn't know how cold it would be (spring in TX can be hot or cool,) swim trunks for my husband, yogurt, coconut water, juice, and frozen grapes, and diapers for both mom and baby 😜
The robe was the only thing I really cared about because I was naked the whole time and baby stayed in a diaper and swaddled until right before we left. 
What did you guys bring? What would you do differently? I'm thinking this time around I will keep a small bag in the car of extra clothes for everyone in case we stay longer or end up transporting to the hospital. (The birth center and hospitals are a bit of a drive for us, so I don't want my husband to have to leave us to drive all the way back for more things.)