Is the household chores only a woman's work?

Ashlea • 27 years old... Married the love of my life 5.20.15 and gained 3 amazing step kids, baby #1 due May 2017
A friend posted this on Facebook and her response really rubbed me the wrong way. Anyone else have an opinion?? In my opinion, a man working more than a woman does not mean that when the man is home he should sit on his ass and do nothing while the woman runs around crazy. I work 18-24 hours a week and my husband works around 50, there are 3 messy kids in the house, between making dinner after he leaves for the kids, cleaning that up, doing the dishes, doing laundry for 5 and picking up after the kids, I in no way can get the house cleaned by myself in a week. There are 16 rooms in my house counting the 4 bathrooms but not counting the basement, the rooms are massive and even with both of us cleaning it daily we don't get it all cleaned in a week. If he didn't help because he "supports us more" at least financially this house would be a disaster