Am I feeding my baby too much?

So the last two days my son has been more cranky than usual. He is 6 weeks old and been having 5oz every 4 hours. He won't settle too well after his feeds and started waking up between 30 mins and an hour and a half early for his next feed. I'm formula feeding using SMA first infant milk. I upped his last feed to 6oz and he took longer to have it but he did drain the bottle. Im not sure if it is okay to keep upping the feed because the feeding guide says he shouldn't be having 6oz until he's 13lb or 3 months old!! He currently weighs about 9 and a half pound so I'm scared of over feeding him. When he does wake I do try everything else like comforting, playing, changing his bum or winding him but he screams until I give him milk.