Ovulation Fail 😔 Out for this month

Yesterday I work up early to test for my surge...I got the smiley face I'd been looking for. My wife was sooooo excited. We went to work and the wait for 7am to roll around seemed like it was never going to come.  As soon as I talked to the clinic we left work and drove 1.5 to our clinic. I was getting my last set of bloodwork and ultrasound to see my follicles.
Let's take it back just 2 weeks earlier. My AF is so consistent it's scary. I'm on a 29 day cycle like something serious so it scared me when AF came 3 days early. Totally threw me off, but then started getting excited because I would start to ovulate earlier. I tested for a week straight! On Saturday I got a smiley face but something didn't seem right, took another right away and got a blank circle 😔
Jump ahead to the day I got my positive surge! I was sitting in the chair to get my bloodwork done and everything seemed off. The old man taking my blood was jittery and all over the place. He had my vein roll on me, had to stick me again and this was the first time everything started going wrong.  The nurse came in and dos my ultrasound...it was the first time I was so excited to see all my follicles. Well she kept looking and looking and couldn't find a follicle big enough. The biggest was 12mm and the nurse said lets just wait until bloodwork comes back. 
Well I called out of pure anxiety only to find out I was having an "off" cycle. I didn't even know those existed or maybe I didn't want to believe it did. I was so upset. I left the office crying and I just broke down on the phone with the nurse. My wife tried to be supportive but i couldn't be consoled it was such a punch in the gut! My biggest fear is coming true. They say nothing is wrong but now want me to take injectable meds to help grow my follicles and now have to take a trigger shot as well. 
I can't help but think I did this. That certain periods when I stressed cause this. That my over excitedness caused this. The wife and I have a class to go too to teach us how to
Mix the meds and give them, but I still can't get over my biggest fear. Needles and fertility meds. 
Sorry this is so long but does anyone have any advice? I feel bad for evening feeling upset and God knows I treated my wife like such crap although all she was trying to do was be supportive. I know that there are many fails in the process but considering how amazing my surge was last month, I felt invincible 😔 I guess God has His way of reminding us we can't always plan everything and reminds us He is in control.
Any advice on getting through these shots? I heard they hurt like no other. Please help