Our little man decided he didn't want to turn and was footling breech the entire pregnancy

Our little man decided he didn't want to turn and was footling breech the entire pregnancy. Following and unsuccessful ECV to try and turn him we were booked for a Section 2 weeks early (supposed to be for today) but he had other plans. I went into labour technically the night before I had him but ignored it as if been in and out with false starts before. Then the following day after lunch I rang the hospital and got asked to come in for a check giving his known position best to be safe than sorry. My husband was rolling his eyes huffing and puffing saying no doubt we'd be sent home. I was there a few hours on the monitor watching each contraction on the monitor and I just knew this baby was not waiting despite Hubby and midwives saying they will calm down and most likely go by the mornin. I stood up to go to the bathroom and my waters went.m and a foot was through.
 I was rushed for a section which was all fairly standard until he was delivered and had breathing problems. After 26 mins of struggling we has whisked off the Neonatal unit where he stayed 2 days. The hardest part was he went one way and I went another and having only actually held him for less than 2 mins it was 14 hours before I was him again. 
He came out after 2 days with a feeding tube as he had no clue how to feed but has done really well. He's now home with me his big brother and daddy and feeding like a monster and thriving. A very contented mama and baba 😍😍😍 so in love xxx