So my waters broke 8 days early at 4:30am

So my waters broke 8 days early at 4:30am. By 5am I was contracting every 5 minutes so had a quick shower and went to hospital. By 7am I was crying my eyes out I was struggling to breathe through the pain it just consumed my body and brain I couldn't focus, at this point I was contracting every few minutes but when examined I was only 1cm!! I was gutted! I thought she was coming soon! Hospital gave me pethadine which took the edge off for about an hour. I got put on a ward but really couldn't cope so at 12pm I was 4cm and got some gas and air. I planned on having a water birth and had been into hypnobirthing but my god that all went straight out the window. Got the epidural and relaxed until 10pm when I finally reached 10cm. As it was my first baby they made me wait an extra 2 hours so my body would start pushing her down birth canal. Even though I was numb I could feel hot rushes down my legs on every contraction and was projectile vomiting from the pain that I couldn't feel. At 12am I started pushing and pushed for 2 hours. I only got a small tear and a laceration so only a couple stitches needed. My baby girl was born at 01:53am 6lb 3oz on 12.8.16 Took us a couple days to name her but we decided on , Lorena. She's 6 days old already 😩