At 41 weeks and 1 day I went to the hospital for my scheduled induction with the use of pitocin as p...

Brennan • 19 years young. Catholic. Prolife.
At 41 weeks and 1 day I went to the hospital for my scheduled induction with the use of pitocin as proscribed by my doctor. I was nervous and extremely scared. I had shaved my whole body because I had read lots of inductions ended in c-sections. Right when I got there the nurses got started and things turned sour. The nurses couldn't find a vein. They pricked me 3 times before calling in another nurse who got it on the first try. Then they started the Pitocin. I was told it would kick in within 30 minutes to and hour. As I was laying there I suddenly got extremely hot. I had my mom take off my fuzzy and from there things went down hill. I started sweating and got extremely dizzy. I remember my mom stocking my hair and then I blanked out. Apparently my blood pressure dropped and heart rate dropped to extremely dangerous levels. This happened another time before they stopped the Pitocin and I immediately felt better. The whole time baby was okay, she didn't even notice. At this point the doctors gave a choice to start the Pitocin again or do a c-section. I opted for a c-section because of my reaction to pitocin. I know pitocin is a natural chemical your body produces for labor but apparently mine can't tolerate it. Baby girl arrived safely 8/12/16 at 11:25AM 7pounds 4ounces 19 inches long