Shes Here and we couldnt be more in love 😍❤️

Tania • expecting a little princess this august 👧🏼❤️
Daniella is finally here with us! she was born August 4 th at 1:01 pm 6 pounds and 8 oz of perfection. This is our first baby and we are so thankful to God for a healthy blessed baby girl. I would like to encourage all the first time mommys that feel like they cant do it.. as soon as i got pregnant i started throwing up and could not hold food or fluids down.. it was so hard to watch everyone eat and enjoy their food when i would take a bite and a minute later run to the bathroom. my doctor kept telling me that it will get better and family and friends tried to keep my spirit up as well. 3 months go by and im thinking thank God ill be able to eat soon! yeah right that didnt happen and i kept throwing up and my body got to the point that i was so weak and not able to do anything and would get dizzy and faint. My doc prescribed reglan for me. At this point i already lost 20 pounds and was 4 and a half moths pregnant. it started helping a little it would be a pain trying to hold it down because i would drink water to take the pill which would make me puke but then i would just try again and again until it would work. i cried and told hubby i cant do it! but then i told myself even though i throw up alot of the food i eat i still have to keep eating to make sure baby is ok. with Gods help i was able to gain my weight back (20 pounds that i lost) which brought me back to being 103 pounds. i kept trying to eat as much as possible and i was 129 pounds before i gave birth😊👍🏻. My biggest fear was arriving to the hospital too late and i told my ongyn that and she said " trust me u will make it! ur a first time mom u might even get sent home and first time u can be in labor up to 24 hours" Also they would not check if i was dialated or not because they only check when ur full term 40 weeks and i gave birth at 38 weeks. i had pretty painful contraction for two days in a row but they would stop and then come back . then august 4 th at 4 am im laying in bed super uncomfortable and hear a pop inside my stomach and then a ton of pressure so i jump up and start running to the bathroom but the water still went all over the bed / floor.i called and notified them and was told to try to labor at home as long as possible. i ended up waiting at home till i no longer could take the pain and we were at the hospital at 8 am. they got me situated and told me to wait till the midwife would come check me to see how dialated i was. my back was hurting so bad and the contractions were very painful but im thinking i still have atleast 15 hours to go and really am trying to keep it together. she finally comes and checks me and goes ohh my god ur fully dialated!! its time to push😳 i was like what do u mean? i cant push.. i need some pain medication but they convinced me that by the time they will come i could already have the baby. i was pushing for 2 hrs 😰😭 but then my baby girl came out. and towards the end she gave us all a scare because her heart rate would be norm 150s and then drop to 70s-80s and then dissapear. she came out holding onto the umbilical cord with both hands and everytime i was pushing she would squezz causing her heartrate to drop. thank God i pushed her out cuzz they were planning on doing a csection if i was not going to get her out within 15 minutes. its so true what they say once u have ur baby u forget all the pain. its the most amazing feeling in the world! All the nausea and throwing up and pain is so worth it because now i have a mini me that brings so much joy into my life 
she sleeps just like me.. :)
daddy cant get enough of her