Preemie baby

Shayni • 24 • Married • Mommy to 3
My little boy was due on 7/14 and ended up making his arrival on 5/18. On 5/14, my husband and I took my little brothers to the movies and I started feeling contractions almost as soon as we sat down. My mom told me that it was Braxton hicks and I'd be fine, so I worked a 10 hr shift the next day, and 12hrs the day after that... And on 5/17 I woke up (having had constant contractions for 3 days) with my contractions 2 min apart, so I called my doctor and he said it wouldn't hurt to come get checked. They planned on measuring my cervix, but decided to check my dilation first, as the nurse was repeatedly telling me that I was in false labor. So I calmed down, since he was only 31 & 5, then the doctor looks at my husband and I and goes "well, um.... You're 6cm, so you're going to have to be admitted until your baby comes..." Of course I freaked out!! So they gave me a second round of steroid shots to strengthen my baby's lungs, and had me on a 24 hr magnesium drip (which you can't eat while on it) so the next day, I was still at 6cm so I told my husband to go ahead and go to work, because he had an interview to move departments. I took one bite of my first meal in over a day, and my contractions started back up, and I was at 7 1/2 cm when they checked me, so I call my husband all emotional and tell him he needs to hurry back, so they moved me over to another room, did the epidural, broke my water, and we waited about 3 more hours, and had our baby at 10:56pm. I held him for less than 1 minute, and had to wait 3 hours to see him again. He was 3lb 15oz, and 17.1 in long. Spent 22 days in the NICU, but is doing so wonderful and healthy and turned 3mo old yesterday!