Should it be a law to vaccinate children?

Heres my thing. My aunt is choosing not to vaccinate my cousin (6mth). Im current 11w3d pregnant. I will vaccinate with out a doubt. And honestly I dont want my baby around another baby who hasnt been vaccinated. I feel it should be a LAW. You are putting other people's children at risk. Why? Vaccinations have been proven to cause mental effects. Alright. Would you rather have a child with a disability or a child buried 6 feet under? People not vaccinating is beyond selfish to me. If you dont want to vaccinate I feel like you should home school your child and find a doctor who only deals with patients that are unvaccinated. Theyre was a news story when I was in middle school, made into a SVU episode, about an infant (too young to vaccinate) who died because someone else chose not to vaccinate. Sorry not sorry but it should be a law to protect children.

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