In a long distance relationship.........

help!! I'm in a long distance relationship due to the fact that my family and i have moved away. I live 1 hour away from my boyfriend and won't be able to see him. Ive been with him for almost a year. I can't drive and my parents won't take me. His parents won't take him here either because its far and his parents are lazy. I have doubted our relationship at times and he has accused me of cheatibg (which i have never done) I have started school and I really find another guy attractive. I want to talk to him but I have a boyfriend..... Idk what to do... the guy goes to my high school and gets off at my bus stop and rides my bus. He even lives 1 street away from me. Should I talk to him? How do I talk to him without being creepy or awkward? do I stay with my boyfriend? hellllppppp