Traveling with baby update 🤗

Monica • My names Monica and currently pregnant with my second baby! ITS A GIRL! 💁🏽Aurora Valentina Baltazar 🎀👶🏽👑🌺🌸🌹🌷
A few weeks ago I had posted some concerns regarding travel with my 10week LO and my 5 year old. I was traveling alone so I wanted to be as prepared as possible. Long story short it's not as complicated as I assumed. The airline I flew with (Frontier) let me check in my car seat plus the base (free). I was also allowed to bring all the baby formula I needed (whole tub), the only stipulation was the water I needed. Because my daughter drinks four ounces I couldn't pre-fill the bottles. I purchased a water after I got threw the security check point (TSA). I also kept my stroller up until the point i had to board and baby wore my LO.  I only have two hands and with two kids I needed them free. I was also allowed to check my stroller in before boarding (free).I would suggest getting to the airport as early as you can, because you're traveling with an infant they allow you to board before everyone else so that you can get settled. I traveled as light as I possibly could, keeping all my baby necessities as accessible as possible. Changing baby on a plane isn't difficult however I'm a germaphob so I had Lysol wipes on hand and hand sanitizer! 😂lol hand sanitizer will be you're best friend! Once we were settled on the plane and ready to take off I began to breast feed my LO so that her ears wouldn't pop. She ended up falling asleep. It was a breeze, so don't stress just be prepared 😁 Hope this is helpful for any mommy's out there and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer.  ❤️