My roller coaster birth story ❤️

mar 🌸 • { my boys } 👶🏼Weston 8•19•16 💙 Ty 5•3•16💍
At 41+4wks I finally began getting contractions on Thursday night around 8pm. They were coming in once an hour and started working their way to 5 mins apart. By 230am I knew it was time to go to the hospital so I called my fiancé and told him it we had to go. We got to the hospital at 3am and by this time they were so intense and 1-2 mins apart. I couldn't believe the pain but I was so ready to meet my boy. We were admitted and when I was checked I was only 2cm but they wouldn't send me home with my contractions being the way they were. I got the epidural and was in pure HEAVEN. that thing was a life saver. I could still feel the contractions but not the pain. I was dilating 1 more cm about every hour and was making great progress. The nurses couldn't believe how well I was transitioning and were so happy with the labor so far. The doctor came in and broke my water at 1030am and I finally hit 9cm. They thought my baby would for sure be here by noon. Sadly that's not how it went. I stayed at 9cm for 7 more hours until I could finally start to push. By then my epidural had worn off and I was feeling all the contractions and pushing through them. I was so exhausted from being awake for almost 30hrs and not eaten in 24. I could barely lift a finger let alone push through a contraction. By 7pm the doctor told me we would need to use the vacuum or I could be pushing for a couple more hours. At first I declined but after an hour of no progress with pushing my body was giving up on me. We went through with the vacuum and he was out in 6 pushes! FINALLY. My baby was here after 30 hours of labor and pushing for 3 hours straight. Unfortunately I did end up fainting after he was delivered from blood loss and exhaustion. It was the hardest, most painful, beautiful thing I've ever experienced. I wouldn't have it any other way because my boy is here and healthy now. Welcome to the world Weston Thomas! We love you!!! ❤️