Dax Elliott 8/18/16 - you can do it ladies!! πŸ’™

I'm going to start by saying I have always been extremely nervous about the whole delivery aspect of pregnancy. However, we had an amazing experience. I was to be induced 8/18/16 due to gestational diabetes. Hubby and I tried the weeks leading up to induce naturally with no luck so, I gave up. On 8/17 I went to work to wrap up what I needed to. Around 1pm I started having contractions, the first my whole pregnancy. I planned to leave work early anyway so hubby picked me up and we went to the grocery store before my OB appointment I had that evening. We got to my appointment, and sat waiting having contractions every 3-4 minutes. I honestly thought eh, maybe these are BH since I hadn't felt anything up to this point. We had my appointment and I was 3cm dialated. My midwife told us to go home and pack up the car and relax, that i would
Be giving birth soon. We went home and turned right back around to go to the hospital I was so uncomfortable. 1pm my contractions started and at 11pm I started pushing. I had an epidural, no pain after that was started, no ring of fire. I needed three stitches and pushed for two hours very slowly and casually.. And at 12:46 he was born!!! Perfectly healthy and no diabetes. 7 pounds 4 oz 19 inches long. We love you!!!!