Sleep Training Issues

 My little one is the happiest, easiest girl ever! Except at night, we have been co-sleeping (out of necessity!) for three months, and she wakes an average of 3-6 times per night, usually nursing for 2-3 minutes before falling back asleep. It has become a vicious cycle. We have all been exhausted, and she has absolutely no skills to fall asleep without nursing. 
 I have been extremely against CIO, but I've felt I had no other options after trying everything else. We tried it the first night and she was asleep in thirty minutes, and the second night she was asleep in ten!
My issue is with night wakings. She typically is in bed around 7, then wakes at 11, 3, and 5. At six months, I am not convinced she doesn't need all, or at least some, of these feedings. So far I have been going in, soothing/feeding her, and then laying her back down to CIO (about 10-15 minutes until she is asleep again). The last time I went in there though, she actually had a poopy diaper, which seemed to have been there awhile. I feel awful she needed changed and I may have ignored her cries for a clean diaper, which I would have known immediately if she were in bed with me. I am really struggling with moving her from our bed, as well as cutting her nursing times short if she actually is needing them. Does anyone have advice on have to make this easier in everyone?