PCOS & IUD problems

First post - looking for advice!
I have Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), and have small benign cysts surrounding my ovaries. I have done everything under the sun to lessen the serverity of it through homeopathic medicine, but my OB continues to say there is nothing I can do about it. When I was young, I never got a period. So when i turned 18, my doctor put me on birth control so start giving me periods. It worked. 
Long story short, hormones make me crazy so I had to stop taking it. Because I don't want to get pregnant right now, I got a non hormonal IUD implanted. I had it for about a year, and my body has now rejected it. My OB says I should go get another put it, but this time at the hospital so they can put me under anesthesia (I didn't do well the first time). If my body rejected it, why the hell should I try again (is what I think). 
Do I want to get pregnant now? No. But I will within the next 5 years. I'm already considered high risk if i am able to get pregnant because of PCOS, and I don't want to lessen my chances of being able to conceive with another hormonal birth control method.  
Any advice on what to do next??