Long story

Amy • I'm 28, Married to my best friend for 9 years & we have a 6yr old daughter! Now pregnant with our baby boy💙
Long story....
I woke up Tuesday morning August 16th & when I went pee I wiped and noticed pinkish blood! I figured this was my bloody show since I had already lost my mucus plug a week before! I was spotting most of that morning & having cramping like period cramps but nothing bad enough to think anything of it! I had called my doctor though just to be sure...she said to go in to L&D if contractions began to be 5 minutes apart or if I started bleeding like a period so I just went about my normal day! After my husband got home from work around 5 I figured we could be close so why not add to the process...we decided to have sex knowing that this could possibly help induce! Afterwards we went for a walk at the park around 7pm...I started to notice my cramping aka contractions getting closer together so we kept on walking...by 8:00-8:30 we noticed my contractions were about 5 minutes apart! They were a little painful but not enough to think I was in labor so we waited it out! Went to grab a late dinner & went home...around 9:30 they were still close together so I figured this might be it! We took my daughter to a friends house & called my mom who lives 3 hrs away so she could make it in time before hardcore labor! Hoping this was the real deal we waited around the house until midnight...contractions were still consistent ranging from 3-5min apart but still not too painful! Decided to go to Walmart to grab some last minute items & walk around a little more to see if things progressed it they stayed the same! So we headed to the hospital about an hour away & arrived at about 2am! Sure enough I was 4&1/2 cm & 90% effaced...I was in labor! I planned on moving around this time around & to try & to do it naturally rather than my first time with the epidural! So I got into my room & kept walking & moving to get things going! At about 6 pm things started to get real...painful as I was more dilated! I woke my husband up from his nap to help me through it...he coached me through my breathing as contractions were closer & very painful...at about 6:30 I bent over the bed to breath through another contraction & boom my water broke! That's when it began to get really hard...hubby turned on some calming music & continued to talk me through the pain! I was handling it better than I thought I could but I was getting exhausted from no sleep! Since my water had broke things seemed to speed up quickly & the pain started to seem unbearable! I then layed on my bed around 9am because I was so tired & felt like I was dozing off in between contractions! At about 9:30 I felt the urge to push...I was 9&1/2 cm dilated & the doctor said I could push a little! 10 am I started pushing hard through contractions because I needed to but still only at 9&1/2 cm! This was the real pain...as I screamed I still tried to relax my body & breathe through it! 13 minutes pushing & my baby was out! And immediately I forgot all about the pain! I had immediate skin to skin & my baby boy latched onto my breasts perfectly! I held my baby for about 3 hours until I was ready to finally shower! I didn't tear at all & my body did what it was supposed to do and all I can say is that it was the most wonderful experience to do it all naturally! He was born at 7lbs 15ounces & 20 inc long...& soo perfect in every way!