Anybody suffer PMT?

I suffer PMT but I'm sure it's hiding something more serious. Some months I'm ok and others I'm nearly calling an abulance. 
Been to doctors since I was 13 and complaining they've placed it down to PMT. But I have no relief from the way it tears my down, from lower back pain to knee pain hips pain ankle and wrist pain. Sometimes my circulation goes from feet and hands. I've fainted a few times but my recent episode lastnight tricked me again, taken me by surprise. I knew something was going on all day... I'd woke up happily but had been feeling hot during the night. I suspected period but not due for 3 days ( I'm regular every 28days) all day working feeling irritable & poorly feeling) I get through it by drinking plenty because it's put me off my food the whole sick and burping all the time as if I'm going to be sick. (This burping bit is new for me) I can't eat my dinner I feel that rough so I have an early night. I wake up in the middle of the night with lower back pain! So bad that I try to fight it out. I take paracetamol and wait and wait pacing up and down whilst my body shakes and I'm taking deep breaths to control myself. (Whilst still feeling sick/burping) then my knees start up with pain 40mns have past I'm thinking shit I can't control this and start panicking because the pain is so bad I'm doing stretches everything. But my body is still shaking I'm going from hot to cold. My boyfriend wakes up a few times saying are you ok. I'm like don't worry the usual just feel crap. (I'm not a big complainer) but then after a while it was going and coming I thought I was going to have to call an abulance... I didn't end up sleeping instead had this battle which has drained me completely and now I've had a nap during the day, my body feels better and just normal period pains which I'm fine about. Was wondering if anybody else out their is going through this, doctors aren't taking me serious, don't know if I should request a pelvic examination