TMI - Help! Milky, thick white discharge, slight sour smell?

Hello everyone. I'm currently suffering from a downstairs issue.

I have recently lost my sex drive and I'm experiencing a thick white milky discharge that doesn't smell horrible but isn't pleasant or normal for me either.

I feel itchy sometimes and mild discomfort, but not like that of a yeast infection.

It doesn't hurt when I urinate or anything like that. Nothing makes it worse or Better.

There is no sign of visible abnormalities such as swelling or inflammation.

I am about a week from my next menstrual cycle and I'm not currently on any forms of BC.

I have been in a monogamous relationship with one man for almost 2 years.

I'm hoping it's some thing simple and easily curable like a yeast infection but I'm also worried that it might be something more sinister... If it is an STD/STI it wouldn't be from my end, it would have to be contracted from my partner (I was checked before we got together & he said he was clean) but I also know some things can lie dormant in men and show up as symptoms in women.

What does this sound like to you guys?

I know the only way to tell is going to the Dr but I figured I'd ask if anyone else has had the same problem.

Thanks, all.