Transgender Children?

Lately it seems like there's a new trend of "gender fluid" children. People think it coincides with the erasing of gender roles but I think it just perpetrates them and set children up to have an identity issue and mental illness. If we get rid of gender roles than a little boy wanting to play princess or dress up is no different than a little girl wanting to do so. I see people posting all over social media stories and pictures of their kids not conforming to gender roles and that's great but how does that intersect the transgender conversation? If gender roles didn't exist then the only identifiable differences between males and females would be biological. Your son wanting to play with dresses should have no effect on him "being a male" and telling children that they can decide what gender they are is absurd. They don't have the mental capacity to understand what you're saying and you're only confusing them and setting them up for a lifetime of mental issues. 
TLDR; Stop selfishly broadcasting your kids and making them feel like their choice of toys and clothes has anything to do with their gender