When I think of Rude you come to mind!

There is a woman I've had to deal with who is literally the worst excuse for a human being I've ever seen😖 seriously can't even take when someone is trying to be nice to them and everything is a competition. I honestly hate to see how her kids are going to turn out. She's just ridiculous, she was asking about how to get some more meds on a Sunday for pain after having surgery and I told her about mixing Tylenol and naproxen to take the edge off if she can't get any because that's what I did to help take the edge off when I couldn't do painkillers. She immediately insisted her surgery was way worse than mine could have ever been and basically being rude when I'm just trying to give her advice. Hello it's not a competition sweetie I was just sharing what helped in my experience that I was advised by a doctor to do, but it has to be a contest for her