Diva Cup Horror Stories

So it's about my 3rd day of attempting the diva cup menstrual cup and I've already had my fair share of mishaps. 
Mishap #1: I attempted to put it in, and then as it popped open, I suddenly had to pee IMMEDIATELY. I pushed the cup up further to finish putting it in and then I tried to pee. I got a little out but the urge was still there, and the cup started sliding down out of my vagina at a very rapid rate 😫 so I reach in to take it out, and as soon as I start pulling on it, I involuntary pee all over my hand and my cup 🙃😷 
Mishap #2: since I'm on the rag, i decided vaginal sex was a no-go and we decided to have anal, while I had the cup in. Well it hurt a little so I was tense, and after we finished he pulls out and there's blood everywhere. My first thought was, "Oh my god, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BUTTHOLE?!" then I realized I'm on my period. I'm not sure how it happened, I'm guessing I put the cup in wrong or tensed so hard that the seal broke, but needless to say I was slightly embarrassed 😓 he had blood all over the tip of his penis and it got on the bed :-))))