First clomid cycle

Hello there! This is my first time posting on Glow. I'm currently on my first cycle of clomid after being on metformin for several months. I was on birth control pills for over ten years and stopped last December. I didn't get a period for months which Is why I started metformin. Since April I've had three periods and o'd from what the ultrasounds say. 
I took clomid from cd 4-8 (would've taken it cycle day 3-7 but there was some technical issue with my pharmacy receiving my Rx). Followed my oral estradiol pills from cd 9-12. I'm supposed to BD then start crinone on Wednesday. My question is should I start crinone even if i don't ovulate? My boobs always get sore and tender around the time i ovulate or right after but I feel nothing and I don't think I'll ovulate in the next two days. I'm going to call my dr tmrw but wanted to see if any of you ladies had the same experience or advice! 
Oh also, is it ok to have sex on crinone? I've heard it's quite unpleasant! 
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