Have you ever ..?


Have you ever just convinced yourself that you could be pregnant but in the same breath convince yourself that you aren't?

I'm in that situation. I have got my self all worked up many of times. Always end up negative... This time, I have slept literally like all day with a little awake time in between. This morning I woke up, fine. Took the dog out, fine. Came inside and I was talking to my mom & I coughed but then felt like I was going to throw up. You know like your body is doing the motion but nothing coming out. Then it really felt like I would but didnt. Besides that I been okay all day. Friday had spotting. Saturday night had spotting. Today, nothing.

I have PCOS so who knows. 😔 I started birth control about 2-3 weeks ago & feel like I'm just wanting to be pregnant so bad that I'm just watching for Every sign.

Has anyone ever felt the same?