Embarrassing period moments

Michelle • ♡♡ college student, Vet Technician loving life, Sean Burgett is the love of my life ♡♡

Have any of you ladies had your period at the wrong place and wrong time or had been embarrassed at one point in your life 😭😭

I remember when I was in high school I was probably 17 and had started my period that morning before school, so by the ending of school around 1 I had a pad on and some how my pad had moved to the side and everything was coming out and I was in class sitting down, right when I got up my chair was full of blood.. I had felt like I was wet during class but doesn't every girl feel like they've gone through their pants but never went through??? Well I thought I was tripping but it went through luckily there was a girl sitting next to me and luckily school was over I rushed out went to the bathroom, and put my bag behind my butt and went home 😭😭😭.. what we're your crazy stories??? 😭😳👛